Hot Chocolate Hot Tubs!

Somebody's having some fun! Marshmallow snowmen, warming up in creamy mugs of hot chocolate. And all those flavors... salty pretzels, semisweet chips, chocolate cookies, and sour patch noses! Who wants to jump in?

These adorable snowmen are a breeze to make (and fun for kids to help). Plus, you can customize them however you want. For example, I used black licorice for the mouths, but I could have also used more mini chocolate chips or any other candy. And, for the nose, candy corn would have been great too.

What candy do you have on hand? Mini M&M's? Use those for the buttons! Fruit roll ups? Now you have scarves! Get creative, take a picture and send it to me!
Here's what you need to create Hot Chocolate Hot Tubs in YOUR mugs:

Hot chocolate of choice
Wooden picks to hold the marshmallows together (or use pretzel sticks)
Mini chocolate chips for eyes and buttons (stick them on with store-bought icing)
Candy corn or cut sour patch kids for the nose (insert the candy into the marshmallow)
Pretzel sticks for the arms (insert them into the marshmallow)
Black licorice for the mouths, or more mini chocolate chips (stick them on with store-bought icing)
Chocolate cookies for the hats (adhere them with store-bought icing)
Icing to stick everything on

Have fun!
